Our office is located in a modern building at Hetmanska Street in Rzeszow. Rzeszow is a city related to our past, present and future. The city is growing rapidly and we are trying to be an important part of this process.
Acquiring and equipping our office was made possible by receiving a grant for a project “The diversification of INNpuls Sp. z o.o. services through the development of The PINN Centre of Innovative Entrepreneurship Assistance”, implemented within the Podkarpackie Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority I “Competitive and innovative economy”, Measure 1.2 “Business-related environment institutions”. The implementation of that project made it possible to improve the conditions for the implementation of advanced, pro-innovative support services for the Podkarpackie SMEs.
We invite you to cooperate, we offer professional advice, and provide accurate and complete performance of entrusted work.