Here, you have some information on our hitherto work. The following data illustrates the scope and scale of work undertaken by INNpuls over the last three years. Operational Programme Innovative Economy
- Measure 1.4 – 4.1 Supporting goal-oriented projects – Supporting the implementation of R & D work results
- Measure 4.2 Stimulating R & D activity and supporting industrial design
- Measure 4.3 Technological credit
- Measure 4.4 New investments of high innovative potential
- Measure 4.5 Supporting investments of high importance to the economy
- Measure 5.1 Supporting the development of supra-regional cooperative relationships
- Measure 6.1 Passport to Export
- Measure 8.1 Supporting business activity in the field of electronic economy
- Measure 8.2 Supporting B2B activity in the field of electronic economy
The Podkarpackie Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013
- Measure 1.1 Capital support for entrepreneurship
- Measure 1.2 Business-related environment institutions
- Measure 1.3 Regional innovation system
- Measure 1.4 Economic promotion and investment activation of the region
- Measure 2.1 Transport infrastructure
- Measure 2.2 Energy infrastructure
- Priority 3 Information Society
- Measure 4.1 Environmental protection infrastructure
- Measure 4.4 Fighting and preventing risk
- Measure 5.1 Educational infrastructure
- Measure 5.2 Health and social care infrastructure
- Measure 5.3 Sport and recreation infrastructure
- Priority 6 Tourism and Culture
- Measure 7.1 The revitalization of towns
The Lubelskie Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013
- Measure 1.2 Investment grants for micro-enterprises
Human Capital Operational Programme
- Sub-measure 2.1.1 Development of human capital in enterprises
- Sub-measure 2.2.1 Improving the quality of services provided by the institutions that support the development of entrepreneurship and innovation
- Measure 6.2 Support and promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment
- Sub-measure 8.1.1 Supporting the development of professional skills, and counselling for enterprises
- Sub-measure 8.1.2 Supporting adaptation and modernization processes in the region
- Sub-measure 8.2.1 Supporting the cooperation of scientific environment and enterprises
Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment
- Measure 1.1 Water and sewage management in agglomerations of more than 15 thousand PE.
- Measure 9.4 Production of energy from renewable sources
- Measure 4.2 Rationalisation of natural resources and waste management in enterprises
Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland
- Measure 1.3 Supporting innovation
The National Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management
- The Green Investment Scheme (GIS) Part 1 – Energy management in public buildings
- The Green Investment Scheme (GIS) Part 5 – Energy management in the buildings of selected entities of public finance sector
Our work also concerns preparing documentation for individual key projects within the Podkarpackie Regional Operational Programme (Measures 1.3 and 5.1, and Priority 6), the Operational Programme Innovative Economy (sub-measure 1.1.2) and the Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland (Measure 1.3 ).